Various Dyed Fabric 

Cyanotype Net Jacket & Chair Pants
October 2021

Naturally Dyed Shorts, Shirt, and Pants
June 2021
The shorts were dyed with cochineal; shirts and pants, with weld and madder root.

Avocado-Dyed Net
January 2021
After I finished making this net, I naturally-dyed it pink with avocado skin and pits, using home-made soy milk as a binder. After its completion, I dressed up in all pink to match the net and in a celebratory manner I turned on Kate Bush’s album Hounds of Love. What ensued was a ritualistic movement piece, captured in photographic stills. This full ritual existed only in a time and space for myself and for the net. It was a celebration to feel connected to my body, this Earth, and the materials I am lucky to create with. Filling my life with celebratory rituals of this nature serves as a reminder to find joy in everything I do and interact with.


Amethyst Ring

