
Here are some collaborative projects I have had the honor to work on in recent years.

Cut the Field

Matthew Reed (@tvbeaches) and I collaborated on the artwork for Colin Miller’s single “Cut the Field,” listen to it here.

Make Noise

I created a set of 21 wooden blocks (7 x 7 inches) with the Make Noise symbols, as well as printed the set on cloth to be used as curtains/a backdrop in various videos. Lewis Dahm assisted me in the printing process, as well as documented parts of the process (as seen in this video). Here are some photographs of the process!

Mel Chin:

Safehouse Temple Door

Mel Chin: Safehouse Temple Door is on permanent installation at Sweet Water Foundation’s Civic Arts Church in Chicago, IL (installed July 2021).

I was part of a team of students and faculty working at UNC Asheville’s STEAM Studio, who developed the functional locking system for the door, through 3D models, prototyping, and fabrication. We worked under the direction of Mel Chin and Emmanuel Pratt to incorporate their human- centered design approaches through iterative design reviews.

The above photographs are sourced from UNC Asheville.

You can read more about Mel Chin’s Safehouse Temple Door: here.



