
Wanna join in on a Hammer-In?


  • This is an informal, yet guided, way to do some blacksmithing alongside others in order to create community! It will be led by Rachel David (she/her), with co-conspirator Allie Larkin (they/them). The hammer-ins take place in Rachel's studio in Waynesville once a month (or so) for a ~3-4 hour chunk of time. The studio space has three anvils, best fitting 6-7 people to allow for all to be able to participate. There's a brief demonstration, followed by the chance to get your hands dirty // hit hot metal yourself // hang out // eat some snacks // get some blisters // leave with what you make!

  • The purpose of these hammer-ins are to intentionally carve a space that radically differs from conventional blacksmithing spaces, with the goal to increase accessibility for those who fall outside the norm within the field, which has historically been (and still is) dominated by white cis men. We invite individuals who self-identify as BIPOC, women, trans (across the gender spectrum), and/or gender non-binary, of all backgrounds and abilities, to sign up!

  • No experience is needed // @ no cost // Donations appreciated to help cover the cost of material and fuel for the forge, which would roughly be ~$20 per person per hammer-in. Any amount you can contribute is truly appreciated and any excess will pay-it-forward. No worries though if you can't monetarily contribute! I don't want that to be a barrier between anyone and the joy of getting to do some metal-working. Furthermore, if you have any concerns about accessibility (i.e. physical constraints, sensitive to loud noises, fatigue) reach out and we can make an action plan.

    Disclaimer: Blacksmithing is inherently dangerous and proper safety attire should be worn (safety glasses, ear protection, closed toed shoes, cotton clothing)- so join at your own risk!

  • Fill out the form linked above to get on the mailing list! I send out the sign-up form via email.

  • These types of events are a great way to create community in your own space and share the love of blacksmithing with others. If you want to chat with me about the logistics of hosting these-please don’t hesitate to reach out. They have been such a joy to be apart of!!



